¿Qué hacemos en Ixchel?

We have created this virtual place
to show you how knitted pieces
we are offering were done.
Wich were the techniques we used
on them and wich were the anthropological
motivations for each piece.

VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL: http://www.lamagiadeixchel.blogspot.com/

Friday, October 22, 2010

A special Wayuú knitted piece

This is one of the colorful bags woven by women of the Wayuu ethnic group. Most weavers of La Guajira (Colombia) make their tissues based on shapes and colors of nature as the spider webs, spirals and turtle shells. The complexity of these designs and the technique used for weaving may involve one to several months of continuous work.
Wayuú grandmothers says that Warekerü was the spider who taught weaving to wayuú women and brought the kanasü, the ancestral designs. Through the times, tissues have been evolved and adapted. As well, have been discovering new techniques that allow greater expressiveness.
La Guajira is a land of contrasts, where sun, sea, desert and mountains blend into a colorful array of forms.
Technique: crochet and macramé
Size: 25 cm diameter x 35 cm high

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