These are the most common bags in La Guajira. Women have adopted a unique technique for creating crochet bags. The bright colors and the strips for hanging made in vertical looms are the main features.
Their principal activities consist of to cook food (fish and rice in particular), care for children, clean their houses, and manufacture bags and hammocks on large vertical looms.
According to their tradition, the bags are associated with their own wombs. It is for this reason that when a woman has had a caesarean section, no one women in the community has permission to pick up knitting needles. To do it means a serious lack, equivalent to sting wound of the woman whom had made cesarean.
According to their tradition, the bags are associated with their own wombs. It is for this reason that when a woman has had a caesarean section, no one women in the community has permission to pick up knitting needles. To do it means a serious lack, equivalent to sting wound of the woman whom had made cesarean.
Technique: crochet and vertical loom
Size: 25 cm diameter x 35 cm high
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